by Mark Heath
About spot the frog
Spot the Frog by Mark Heath is a charming comic strip that welcomes readers into the sweetly funny, beautifully drawn world of a lovable little frog and the two-legged mammals who fascinate him. In Spot the Frog, readers learn what Spot already knows: that life is a glass that's always half full. And, if you're a small green frog, that's just the right size for a dip. Spot is an exuberant frog who sometimes doesn't see things for what they really are. For him, a sink full of dirty dishes is a pond to splash in, and a lamp is something to bask under. Karl, Spot's human friend, is a laid-back guy. He goes with the flow, even when the flow is a frog at the door with a suitcase. He looks out for Spot in a grandfatherly way. He's thoughtful and accepting - you'd have to be to welcome a frog into your home. "Many of today's comic strips feature edgy characters," says Heath. "Spot the Frog is gentler, more whimsical, with a sense of the fantastic. It's about innocence and wisdom and the complete appreciation of what you have. I want readers to learn about Spot, just as Karl does. Every year should bring something new. And every week should bring something unexpected."
Source By http://www.comics.com/